DxConsole Virtualization Solution Helps IT Control SQL Server Sprawl

DxConsole virtualizes SQL Server instances and consolidates SQL Server databases, servers and storage into manageable private cloud utilities to reduce cost, inefficiency, management complexity.

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DH2i is launching its company and its flagship software product, DxConsole for SQL Server, a virtualization solution that addresses the escalating costs, inefficiencies, and management complexity of SQL Server sprawl while allowing customers to fully preserve and protect existing operational processes. DxConsole accomplishes this by enabling customers to virtualize SQL Server instances and consolidate SQL Server databases, servers, and storage into manageable private-cloud utilities.

SQL Server, a database management system (DBMS) that stores and retrieves data as directed by business applications, is a popular product in IT installations. Driven by extremely rapid database growth, database administrators add SQL Servers instances repeatedly, leading to what is commonly referred to as “SQL Server sprawl.”

This sprawl creates operational and financial problems such as a huge increase in necessary supporting infrastructure (i.e., servers, storage, networking, floor space, and power and cooling), extremely low resource utilization, insufficient availability, a lack of resiliency, and a growing management burden. In addition, such sprawl suffers from security vulnerabilities, licensing complications, and a lack of compliance with enterprise standards -- difficulties that will likely be exacerbated with the highly anticipated release of Microsoft SQL Server 2012.

DH2i’s solution, DxConsole application virtualization software for SQL Server, lets customers create a cloud utility in which multiple SQL Server instances can be consolidated onto substantially fewer servers and centralized storage. DxConsole's "shared data" architecture delivers enterprise class availability and virtualization flexibility in a cloud utility platform. Unlike server virtualization and traditional high availability (HA) products, DxConsole goes beyond consolidation and simple failovers to provide:

  • Instance-level virtualization
  • On-the-fly instance re-hosting
  • Scalable and elastic "on-demand" server and storage performance
  • Fast failover instance high availability services
  • Built-in instance-level multi-site DR Support
  • A single point for storage management and data backup
  • One-click maintenance

DH2i DxConsole is generally available now and priced at $8,500 per CPU license. To estimate the potential cost savings from DxConsole based on your IT environment characteristics, use DH2i’s online TCO Calculator. Additional information is available at www.dh2i.com.

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