CertiVox Launches PrivateSky Secure Information Exchange

Secure information exchange without certificates simplifies encryption of messages, files, and documents for the cloud.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

CertiVox, an information security company, has launched the PrivateSky Secure Information Exchange platform, a new service that provides fast and easy-to-use protection for messages, files, and other information sent via the cloud through a unique two-factor authentication process and a certificate-free encryption platform.

This encryption process is activated from within Chrome and Firefox browsers whether on a PC or Mac. It is a one-click solution where both encryption and decryption are securely completed with no disruption to a user’s workflow.

CertiVox’s PrivateSky platform solves legal, regulatory. and ethical challenges faced today and is the world’s first technology to be built that protects enterprises and computer users from having their data compromised. PrivateSky uses modern elliptic curve cryptography delivered in simple-to-use and easy-to-adopt packaging.

PrivateSky is available in two editions; Free and Professional. The Free edition allows you to send and receive encrypted messages and encrypted files. The Professional edition will do the same but also allows the sender to encrypt attached files up to 10MB in size with a total file capacity of 5GB.

For more information, visit www.certivox.com.

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