
Enterprise Data Governance Tool Launched

To provide integrated data governance across the burgeoning types of enterprise data assets, TopQuadrant today announced its TopBraid Enterprise Data Governance (TopBraid EDG) solution.

"A modular, extendable, standards-based solution, TopBraid EDG provides integrated data governance across the ever-growing types of data assets and governance needs for enterprises," the company said.

TopQuadrant, an Enterprise Information Management (EIM) company, defines data governance as "a quality control discipline for assessing, managing, using, improving, monitoring, maintaining and protecting organizational information."

That information can come from data assets in many forms, the company said, including: business glossaries, reference data, crosswalks, ontologies, taxonomies, policy/lineage models and other types of business, technical and operational metadata.

TopBraid EDG uses a collection of form-based data governance tools and visualization dashboards in a GUI that reportedly works across all browsers, while featuring flexible data and relationship modeling, version control, audibility, collaboration, extensibility and more, according to its site.

According to TopQuadrant, its solution:

  • Helps enterprises use data more intelligently.
  • Provides visibility into data and business operations.
  • Lets enterprises ensure their data is consistent, reliable and usable for analysis.
  • Provides standards-based information structures that enable users to capture data they need.
  • Enables data integration across applications for operational needs.
  • Automates distribution of governance datasets and metadata.
  • Enables agile responsiveness to new data requirements.

"As organizations start to realize the importance of their data assets, they are often faced with legacy data governance practices and systems that hamper them from unlocking the value from that data," said CEO Irene Polikoff in a statement today. "TopBraid EDG is an agile, comprehensive response to today's complex data governance needs designed to help enterprises maximize the value of their data by addressing any legacy barriers and future challenges."

TopQuadrant announced the new solution at the ongoing Enterprise Data World conference in San Diego.

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer for Converge360.

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