MKS Joins Ranks of SCM Big Five

Mortice Kern Systems Inc. has joined the top vendor ranks in the software configuration management (SCM) marketplace with an annual growth rate of 89.2 percent, based on 1998 software revenues of $32 million, says a report issued by International Data Corporation (IDC).MKS is a provider of software solutions, which manage the development of complex software and Web-based applications. The MKS Integrity Framework, a full suite of products, services and training for software change management, Web object management and enterprise interoperability, improves the quality of mission-critical systems and maximizes the productivity of enterprise teams. "MKS has joined the ranks of the leading players in the SCM marketplace through the expansion of its Source Integrity product line and the acquisition of Silvon Software’s AS/400 SCM tools business," says Dick Heiman, SCM analyst for IDC, and an author of "Development Life-Cycle Management: 1999 Worldwide Markets and Trends.""We have enjoyed tremendous growth this year, outpacing our closest competitors by 20 percent or more. Our customers like our products and our vision for the Web. They invest in our MKS Integrity Framework to manage the development of their existing mission-critical business applications, and to help them re-engineer these solutions for e-Business. And we meet their needs from support for distributed development through Web access, while keeping pace with accelerated development cycles and increasing application complexity," says MKS Chairman and CEO Randall Howard.The IDC report, "Development Life-Cycle Management: 1999 Worldwide Markets and Trends" (IDC #19124), is available directly from International Data Corporation by contacting Cheryl Toffel at (800) 343-4952 x4389, or visit the IDC Web site at corporate headquarters located in Waterloo, Ontario and Chicago, MKS can be reached via the World Wide Web at, or by calling (800) 265-2797 (U.S. and Canada), +49-711-351775-0 (Germany), +44-1483-733900 (United Kingdom), or +81-3-3589-6757 (Japan).

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