
New Record for Network Routing

Test results from independent consultants The Tolly Group show IBM’s high-performance network routing products established a new record -- more than 1,000 transactions per second -- in a high-demand environment requiring extremely fast responses.The tests showed that in an e-business environment, where traditional mainframe data and applications are connected to Web-based technologies, IBM’s high-performance routing products processed transactions up to 77 percent faster and are as low as one-third the cost of similar offerings from Cisco Systems. Testing was conducted in a TN3270E server environment supporting 16,000 sessions via Fast Ethernet and both LSA and MPC+/CMPC protocols, with IBM Network Utility and 2216 Multiaccess Connector significantly outperforming Cisco’s 7507 with CIP2 for PC-to-host network connections. The tests were designed to measure the maximum transactions per second with sub-second response time, when supporting thousands of simultaneous sessions, which is common in the success of many critical e-business applications. Profiles reflected various types of interactive queries, from data entry to large applications. For more information on the how the testing was conducted and the results, visit

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