
Countdown to Year 2000: And Now… The End Is Near

With only a few more days before the New Year countdown, it is worth looking at what has happened over the past few years. The world has grown from Y2K ignorance, to knowledge, to complacency, then a small amount of hysteria, thanks to our survivalist friends and the media.

For most of the world, and certainly North America, Y2K will have little impact on those who have prepared themselves. For those who have ignored the situation, or have begun too late (such as the healthcare industry, small businesses and other companies relying upon international suppliers who are unprepared for Y2K), the problems have the potential to be much more severe. Overall, catastrophe has been averted – not because it wasn’t real – but because businesses and government have joined together to avert it.

As this is the last issue before Y2K, this, too, is my last regular column for ESJ. If you already know me from my work, you will find it no surprise that I want to leave you with some Web sites to follow Y2K, and to help you to address your own concerns directly. Accordingly, I have listed the sites that I have found most useful.

Best of luck to each of you in Y2K!

Warren S. Reid

The List

The grandaddy of them all. If you only go to one site, this is it. It has important Y2K clippings from newspapers published all over the world, updated daily.

Sanger’s Review of Y2K News Reports is the most comprehensive set of new and archived news reports anywhere, with a full Boolean search engine.

A wonderful must-see Web site organized by Hancock Rothert & Bunshoft, LLP, attorneys covering lawsuits, Y2K budgets by industry, industry focus and Y2K test products.

Stanley H. Kremen’s excellent Web-zine for consultants, IT pros and lawyers features unusual, but very important articles and insight into Y2K issues.

Economist Ed Yardeni’s Y2K site. Some good insights, especially when tied to economic indicators.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has non-technical information geared toward general public and individual preparedness (i.e., potential problems with computers, banks, utilities, etc.), and global strides to prevent major problems.

Microsoft TechNet’s comprehensive site reviewing and checking hardware, software, data and tools for Y2K readiness. Technical explanations/instructions allow users to fix hardware and software problems themselves. Good links to computer manufacturer sites.

Don Estes, a computer consultant, tester and software developer, always offers great advice, solutions and white papers for the technically astute.

A large collection of Y2K-problem bookmarks by "a Y2K-savvy techie." The intent of this Web page is to list technical and management information for those who are directly fixing the problem. home.htm

A good U.S. government gateway for Y2K information services, including international sites and the President’s Council on Y2K Conversion.

The Small Business Administration site offers explanations of Y2K problems, personal finance, reparation, computer preparedness and links to other good sites. It also describes various hardware/software fix-it tools.

Diverse, useful and fun Y2K site, covering everything from humor, to travel destinations, to status of different companies’ compliance.

"Better Business Bureau: Year 2000 and You" discusses current scams taking place from Y2K paranoia. Details phony phone calls from banks, credit card companies, etc. It also offers tips on handling these situations and avoiding victimization.

WSR Consulting Group, LLC’s Web site (my site) includes articles on Y2K issues, including "Y2K Computer Litigation: And You Thought the O.J. Trial Was a Circus?," "The Y2K Titan: Your Corporate Ship – Unsinkable? Unthinkable!," and "The Millennium Mandala: Your Personal Family and Community Guide to Y2K."

About the Author: Warren S. Reid is the President of WSR Consulting Group, LLC, in Encino, Calif. He can be reached by fax at (818) 986-7955, via e-mail at [email protected] or through his Web site at

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