
Internet Ralliers Donate Y2K Supplies to Red Cross

Thousands of Y2K-concerned citizens from across the country rallied on the Internet last week to pledge the donation of Year 2000 preparedness supplies to their communities, churches and Red Cross chapters. Y2K Newswire, the Web site organizing the rally, received thousands of pledges and posted several hundred. Pledged items included emergency generators, surplus food, shelter, candles, batteries, clean drinking water, first aid supplies, wood for fuel, and even pet food. One electrical contracting company, Bell Electronics in Delight, Ark., even pledged to help people safely transfer their electrical systems to generators or 12-volt arrays at no charge.

"This event demonstrates that people preparing for Y2K are community-friendly, thoughtful, outreaching individuals who sincerely care about their neighbors," says Mike Adams, founder of Y2K Newswire and organizer of the event. "Here, we are seeing thousands of people pouring out their hearts and wallets to help prepare those who refuse to prepare themselves. These are courageous acts by people who represent true leadership in this country," Adams explains. For his part, Adams pledged 100% of Y2K Newswire's revenues for the entire week to his local Red Cross Chapter in Wyoming.

Events continued through the week, with Y2K-concerned citizens launching a virtual march on Washington, Thursday, Dec. 9, followed by "Peace Through Preparedness Day" on Dec. 10, the anniversary of Martin Luther King's Nobel Peace Prize award. Although he has faced criticism for organizing these events so late in the game, Adams says, "It's too late to change a hundred million lines of computer code, yes, but it's not too late to change the minds of a hundred million Americans. We can still make a positive difference that will reduce the impact of Y2K disruptions throughout the Year 2000."

Y2K Newswire accepts no advertising, has no sponsors, and does not sell Y2K-related preparedness products. The site is fully-funded by subscription fees from its 3,000 paid subscribers. For more information, visit

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