China Approves Internet Language Standard
China's Standardization Association has issued a Certification of Standardization on a new Internet-Chinese language technology by Chinese Computer Communications Inc. (CCC). Asian language users will now be able to send electronic communications with the same speed, reliability and accuracy enjoyed by users of the Roman alphabet. This standard Transcode script, known as Pinxxiee, (pronounced pin-shay) can be used immediately for Chinese e-mail and other Internet applications, without specialized hardware or software.
Pinxxiee has a readable script for general Mandarin-speaking users. The standardization panel unanimously recommended its use as an alternate, standard, readable, linear-ideographic script, along with the traditional, square-ideographic script, for sending and receiving Internet communications in Chinese.
Furthermore, the experts recommended it as a teaching/learning tool in computer-aided elementary and high school education. This is good news for Chinese language teachers or Internet users who do not know English or do not have all the specialized Chinese character platforms. The Pinxxiee Transcode is especially valuable in alphabetic sorting and indexing of ideographic data for e-commerce, financial transactions and international business, processing exactly like English script.
On February 25, 2000, this unified CCC Transcode was submitted to the international Unicode Consortium for adoption. Ever since 1873, with the American invention of the typewriter, the Western alphabetic keyboard has proved to be a bottleneck for the Eastern ideographic scripts. By using this Transcode, that bottleneck is basically eliminated on the Internet. Though indirectly useable, earlier diverse and incompatible Chinese input methods are hard to learn and difficult to use. And, when transmitted on the Internet, ideographic data have a tendency to be degraded to unreadable codes. This standard Pinxxiee Transcode integrates phonics & graphics with an elegant and much simpler global Tenstrokes Alphabet, potentially empowering millions of users to directly process both English and Internet-Chinese scripts with the same conventional computer keyboard.
Since 1997 the Pinxxiee Transcode has been successfully utilized in English-Chinese translation work by more than 30 automotive parts suppliers to General Motors Corporation, when GM started the 1997-99 installation of the Buick factory in Shanghai, China.
This Pinxxiee Internet-Chinese system will be demonstrated at the 4th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education to be held on May 29-31, 2000 in Singapore.
For more information on Pinxxiee, visit Chinese Computer Communications Inc.'s Web site at