Advanced Systems Concepts Adds XML/XSL to SEQUEL

Jim Martin

Advanced Systems Concepts (ASC, Schaumburg, Ill.) has enhanced its SEQUEL and SEQUEL Web interface (SWI) products to now include the ability to create and display XML/XSL results from AS/400 database queries.

To facilitate this new feature, ASC has added new XML, scripting and FTP functions to the SEQUEL Kernel along with enhancements to the SWI that merge multiple XML files, generate XSL templates and serve XML and XSL files to the browser.

The new enhancements in SEQUEL are made with ease-of-use in mind, as developers with little XML or XSL experience can extract data from an AS/400 file and create an XML data from the output, all from one command. From there, the developer can either save the XML file in an IFS directory or FTP the file to another server.

“Now, it’s a relatively simple matter to present AS/400 data at a browser using the advanced formatting capabilities allowed with XML and XSL,” says Rob Peterson, ASC’s director of marketing. “It’s possible for a user to submit a run-time prompted query from a Web browser that returns XML data results from multiple SEQUEL views combined with graphic, hyperlinks and text formatted with a single XSL style sheet. There’s virtually no limit to the format or the content that may be included—it’s up to the imagination of the developer.”

The new scripting function allows users to run multiple SEQUEL commands together from a single request and can be run from a command line, job scheduler, icon or Web browser.

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