Cross Platform Installation Wizardry

If you’ve used a Windows PC for any length of time, chances are that you’re familiar with the InstallShieldWizard from InstallShield Software Corp. (Schaumburg, Ill.). Since the introduction of Microsoft’s Windows 95 operating system in August 1995, InstallShieldWizard has provided Windows users with an instantly recognizable application installation framework.

IBM and InstallShield Software Corp. are combining to bring a consistent Windows look and feel to a cross-platform application installation framework.
Thanks to a new agreement with IBM, AS/400 users may soon enjoy a similar such luxury.

Accordingly, InstallShield Software and IBM announced in early April an agreement to work together to simplify the installation of applications and software on IBM platforms. The goal, both companies acknowledged at the time, is to create a consistent install experience for customers deploying software across IBM platforms.

Because administrators deploying software on both the AS/400 and on other platforms will have only to learn a single, standardized installation procedure not unlike that common to Windows clients and servers, both IBM and InstallShield claim that customers will save both time and money simply by virtue of reduced management costs and increased productivity and efficiency.

“Installing today’s cross-platform e-business products must be easy, consistent and reliable,” maintains Stan Martin, president and COO of InstallShield Software. “Our joint development effort will give IBM software customers the freedom to deploy and manage their products across multiple platforms using a familiar and proven installation solution specifically designed to meet their unique needs.”

The joint InstallShield Software- and IBM-led effort will be applicable to ISV applications running on OS/400, AIX, OS/2 and Linux. The two companies are currently collaborating to develop the upcoming version 4.0 release of InstallShield Software’s installation authoring software in the Java programming language. The next-generation InstallShield product—dubbed InstallShield Java Edition 4.0—is expected to provide AS/400 administrators with an installation routine similar to that of the dialog box navigation familiar to users of InstallShield’s solutions on Windows platforms.InstallShield Java Edition 4.0 should also be a boon for IBM business partners and ISVs, which will now have a common installation and un-installation framework to which to write their applications.

“Our work with InstallShield is a big win for our customers and ISVs. This is just another step in our commitment to deliver world-class e-business solutions that are easy to install, deploy and administer,” comments Dick Sullivan, VP of solutions and integration marketing with IBM Software. “Working with InstallShield, a recognized leader in installation technology, we’re able to provide end users and business partners with a comprehensive, yet easy-to-use, solution that will save money, reduce time-to-market and improve the overall installation process.”

Most importantly, says Joe Clabby, a group VP with the Aberdeen Group (Boston), IBM’s collaboration with InstallShield Software will ultimately encourage the development and use of cross-platform software solutions by ISVs, business partners and customers.

“This agreement helps customers, business partners and ISVs as they develop and use cross-platform software,” Clabby comments. “IBM’s move to streamline the installation experience across multiple platforms with a single tool and uniform install experience delivers a clear competitive advantage that customers will recognize and appreciate instantly.”

Related Information:

  • InstallShield Software Corp. (new window)
  • IBM InstallShield Page (new window)
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