ClientSoft Acquires Web-Enablement Vendor Mediaware
Joanna Doyle
AS/400 Web-enablement application provider ClientSoft (Hawthorne, N.Y.) announced the acquisition of Mediaware Technologies Inc. (Toronto) this week, in a deal designed to allow ClientSoft to round out its e-business offerings with products such as Mediaware’s ClientView Builder.
“ClientSoft will benefit from this acquisition by using Mediaware’s technology to further enhance our offering and will allow us to serve a broader range of clients,” says Luis Delahoz, executive VP of ClientSoft.
ClientView Builder is a Web-enablement tool for users of Unisys T27 terminal applications. In addition to Web applications, ClientView for VB generates complete Visual Basic client applications. ClientView’s advanced VB IDE add-in allows users to combine screens and re-engineer workflow for improved productivity.
Both companies stress that their solutions are meant to connect mainframe systems to the Web without disruption or extensive application rewrites, which leads to better cost control.
“Our experience in generating Visual Basic and Web applications is an excellent fit with ClientSoft’s long history of successful legacy extension engagements,” says Robert Camacho, co-founder of Mediaware.
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ClientSoft (new window)Mediaware Technologies Inc. (new window)