
PA State Police Droppin' E-Dime on Crime Statistics

The Pennsylvania State have launched the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) System Web site. The site ( is designed to help local police fight crime more effectively while giving citizens easy and immediate access to crime statistics for towns, counties, regions, college campuses and the state as a whole.

Prior to the launch of the site, for which EDS was the primary contractor, this crime data remained tied up in a dense report that was published only once a year. This new site, powered by Information Builders' WebFOCUS technology, allows crime-fighters and the public to view and analyze fresh, month-by-month data. The reporting capabilities of the UCR site allow its users to spot trends by tracking crime over time. Additionally, users can view the annual "Crime in PA" report, run standard formatted reports for a selected time frame, and even build their own query using UCR data.

The UCR System provides "realtime crime data to police departments and the general public," said State Police Lt. Wes Thurston, project manager for the Web system. "This enables law enforcement agencies to make informed decisions about how and when to allocate resources."

The Uniform Crime Reporting System Web site, hailed by FBI officials as the first of its kind in the country, was developed under the principles used to create Information Builders' i-government Suite of prepackaged Web applications specifically developed for state and local government agencies. For more information, visit

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