
WRQ Updates Verastream

Bridging the gap between old-school legacy applicationsand hot business intelligence application may seem like speaking German to ahamster, but WRQ Inc. has a long history of connecting new and oldtechnologies. On Monday, it released a suite of new products, including a newproduct for connecting Siebel installations to legacy systems.

WRQ released new updates to its Verastream messagingplatform, which enables applications running on different platforms to tradeinformation. The middleware suite includes updates to Verastream HostIntegrator, Verastream Integration Broker, and Verastream for Siebel eBusinessApplications.

Verastream for Siebel eBusiness Applications enablesenterprises to connect legacy systems to the Siebel EAI Framework. The productuses Siebel’s interface to manage business logic, reducing the need to writefor the legacy system.

Verastream Integration Broker 9.0 updates the centralrepository of business data and messaging broker for the Verastream platform.One of the flashiest new features in the release is its support for the JMS(Java Messaging Service), the J2EE system for exchanging data on J2EEapplication servers.

Finally, Verastream Host Integrator 4.5 introduces newfeatures that improve stability through failover and scalability; deepen supportfor HP3000; and create business components from legacy applications. –Chris McConnell

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