
TDWI Radio News: Who Masters the Master?

A quest for the Golden Source.

The Holy Grail, the Golden Fleece—these legendary artifacts drew the services of brave warriors who traveled far and wide to satisfy their quest. In today’s complex and far-flung organizaitons, such a quest exists, as professionals from all walks of life gather, ponder, scribe and maintain their trusted sources of definitions and hierarchies.

Indeed, the realm of master data management (MDM) brings to the table an array of executives and consultants, plus rank-and-file professionals, all of whom must work together to define core business entities and hierarchies. The ultimate goal is a Platonic taxonomy that helps harmonize enterprise data, en route to that coveted single version of the truth.

Tune into this TDWI Radio News interview to hear Cliff Longman, CTO for Kalido, as he offers his company’s vision of this growing discipline. You’ll learn:

  • what MDM is
  • how organizations create MDM solutions
  • which industries are hottest
  • the difference between operational and analytical MDM

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About the Author

Eric Kavanagh is the president of Mobius Media, a strategic communications consultancy. You can contact the author at [email protected].

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