Datawatch Releases E-Mail Archiving Solution

Datawatch|MailManager helps enterprises manage e-mail in Exchange shops

Datawatch Corporation today released Datawatch|MailManager, its enterprise e-mail archiving system for Microsoft Exchange environments. Datawatch|MailManager is designed to help organizations maximize e-mail storage efficiency, manage the e-mail lifecycle, and fulfill regulatory and e-discovery requirements.

According to John Kitchen, chief marketing officer for Datawatch, “As e-mail volumes continue to soar, Datawatch|MailManager is the perfect complement to our electronic document storage solutions because together they can create organized information out of chaos. Companies benefit from robust e-mail archiving capabilities designed to tame storage bloat and support regulatory compliance as well as the ability to add productivity tools that enable use of the vast amount of knowledge locked in an organization’s e-mail and archives.”

Among the key features:

  • E-Mail Storage Management: Datawatch|MailManager can actively control the increase in e-mail volumes by automatically capturing and archiving all e-mail messages (including inbound, outbound, and internal messages) and their attachments. The product stores a single copy of identical messages to improve performance and reduce storage demands at the e-mail server, and messages are compressed and encrypted to save additional space and increase security.

  • Message Lifecycle Management: Datawatch|MailManager automatically migrates old messages to secondary storage or deletes them according to enterprise policies and regulatory requirements.

  • Compliance Management: Users can create a legal case and assign messages to it from the MailManager search client. Thereafter, such messages cannot be deleted until the case is closed.

  • Enhanced Productivity and Knowledge Sharing: Users can fully search the message subject, body, and/or attachments.

For more information, visit

About the Author

James E. Powell is the former editorial director of Enterprise Strategies (

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