Syncsort Releases SyncSort VSE 3.6

Latest release supports greater record lengths and maximizes saved CPU time

Syncsort Inc. has released of version 3.6 of the SyncSort VSE, a "sort/merge/copy" utility designed for IBM VS, VSE/ESA, VSE/SP, and VSE operating systems.

According to a Syncsort press release, version 3.0 of SyncSort VSE features enhanced SORTWK I/O techniques which saves CPU time and elapsed sort time by as much as 30 to 40 percent, the company says on its Web site.

The product's Dynamic Storage Manager also helps reduce processing time if it is made active during a sort, the press release said.

"The new release also increases the number of work files available to sort applications without requiring modification of programs or applications JCL," the statement continued.

Version 3.6 of the SyncSort VSE features, among other things, a new "join" capability, which puts together the records of two input files with the same field values; the joined records can then be used for the input in a copy or sort function.

The "dupkeys" feature -- also new for version 3.6 -- lets users eliminate records that have duplicated sort/merge keys, while "erasewk" lets users delete "sortwk" data.

Other features include new "inrec/outrec" and "inpfil/outfil" parameters. Version 3.6 also supports records that are up to 65,535 bytes long.

More details, including information on how to receive a free trial of SyncSort VSE, are available at

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