Version 10 of Smart/RESTART Released

Enables z/OS batch applications for restartable operation

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendors’ statements.

Relational Architects International (RAI) today announces the general availability of Smart/RESTART Version 10.1 with full support for z/OS V1.10 and the latest DFSMS facilities (such as extended addressing volumes).

“Smart/RESTART makes it as easy as possible to enable z/OS batch applications for restartable operation -- often without changes to source code” said Carl Feinberg, director of development at RAI. “Smart/RESTART eliminates the need to back out and redo successfully processed work.”

Smart/RESTART is a robust and proven solution that ensures batch production schedules are met. It conserves the precious batch window by enabling failing batch applications to resume from a checkpoint rather than rerun from the beginning. Jobs can be resubmitted for restart without JCL changes.

The product’s comprehensive commit scope guarantees that changes to DB2, WebSphere MQ, IMS, and other RRS compliant resources stay in sync with a program’s sequential file and cursor position, working storage and random VSAM updates. “This enables an application to restart after abends, recompiles, even system IPLs -- with all resources in a consistent state” Feinberg pointed out.

“Smart/RESTART eliminates the need for complicated restart logic and cumbersome operational procedures, and you can vary the checkpoint frequency dynamically, retry automatically after deadlocks and timeouts, and restart anywhere in the Sysplex.” Feinberg continued.

Smart/RESTART supports both new and existing applications, and is compatible with production control software and interactive debugging tools. “Simply define the logical unit of work and Smart/RESTART does the rest. Most applications that implement a unit-of-work loop can run restartably without source changes. Even legacy applications that take no checkpoints can run restartably by defining the Unit-of-Work external to the application on the basis of such criteria as record content, DB2 column values, I/O counts or SQL accesses.” Feinberg concluded.

Fortune 1000 organizations worldwide are using Smart/RESTART to run their mission-critical batch production. For more information please visit RAI’s Web site at or call +1 201 420-0400.

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