ScienceLogic Unveils Management Solution for IT Using Private Public Clouds

Provides single solution for secure, comprehensive monitoring of internal enterprise, public cloud, and private cloud computing resources

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendors’ statements.

ScienceLogic, an IT operations management provider, has released a new product line of EM7 Meta-Appliances: EM7 G3. EM7 G3 moves away from centralized monitoring operations towards highly resilient monitoring centers that can act independently; it is specifically designed for the advanced management needs of dynamic infrastructures.

Typically, “dynamic infrastructure” refers to a highly available computing environment where resources are constantly changing to adapt to the on-demand, mobile, and “always on” requirements of users. In this environment, computing resources can exist virtually anywhere, such as in a national NOC, on a plane connected via satellite network, or in the public cloud.

To simplfy IT management, says David Link, president and CEO of ScienceLogic, “the complexities of dynamic infrastructure require a complete re-think about how to manage a combination of physical, virtual, and shared infrastructure components no matter where they exist."

Done the wrong way, organizations buy multiple point solutions that create data and operational silos leading to major inefficiencies, waste, and unmanageable complexity. In this scenario, best practices cannot be enforced, and the IT organization cannot move fast enough to support the business and end users; IT becomes a chokepoint instead of an enabler.

"This is actually the same challenge, on a larger scale, that ScienceLogic took on five years ago: how to engineer a comprehensive monitoring solution for heterogeneous computing environments," said Chris Cordray, CTO of ScienceLogic. "The solution must take away much of the management complexity to free up the IT department's time to help move the business forward. It's not the right solution if the fix is just as complex as the problem. The new EM7 G3 line is designed to provide the dynamic monitoring demanded by dynamic infrastructure - with all the required scalability, automation, security and high availability features, out-of-the-box and in a single solution that delivers value immediately."

The new product provides the same powerful, flexible monitoring for which EM7 Meta-Appliances are known, and adds additional functionality on top of cloud monitoring, including:

  • Continuity of monitoring operations for remote and mobile assets that may have planned or unplanned disconnects from the core network

  • Collector resource pools for automated load balancing of data collection and work tasks

  • Engineered high availability from the operating systems to the data collection and access layer to portal access

  • IPv6 networks supported plus support to run dual-stack ipv4/iPv6 networks

  • Automation engine for event-based notification, workflow, and remediation

  • Advanced multitenancy support to deliver only relevant operational information to any targeted audience

  • Core-to-edge security architecture for protecting critical company data and assets that are more vulnerable as enterprises and government agencies extend computing resources to the public cloud

  • Chargeback features to accommodate flat rate, tiered, and measured utilized resources types of cost allocation

  • User-experience service level monitors for applications hosted in dedicated, private and public clouds

EM7 G3 will be generally available in June 2009. Pricing for EM7 meta-appliances starts at $32,000. Pricing for the new EM7 G3 line will start at $49,500. To learn more, visit

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