AutoMate BPA Server Provides Centralized Control over Automated Business Processes

Version 7.1 supports non-Windows systems; adds new IM, Twitter, remote desktop features

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Network Automation, Inc. has updated AutoMate BPA Server, the client/server multi-machine edition of its no-code drag-and-drop business process automation platform that now includes the ability to centrally control automation routines for both Windows and non-Windows machines. The upgrade is one of more than 30 enhancements to both the single- and multi-machine versions of AutoMate, including new instant messaging, Twitter, and remote desktop functionality.

AutoMate (for one machine) and AutoMate BPA Server (for multiple machines) enable organizations to quickly and inexpensively automate hundreds of repetitive computing tasks without coding, using the software’s pre-programmed automation actions along with drag-and-drop visual workflow assembly. Common uses range from application integration, job scheduling, automated FTP transfers, and Excel operations to batch processing, automated report generation, data transformation, database queries, system monitoring, and problem resolution.

Key enhancements in the just-released Version 7.1 include:

  • A Java-based process agent that enables batch files, executables, or other scripts to be un on any Java-enabled Linux, Unix, or Mac machine from AutoMate BPA Server’s Server Management Console. IT staff can control and execute business process automation sequences across all operating systems from a single location for improved efficiency and security. AutoMate can also run any Java-based script on any Windows machine.

  • Instant messaging automation, with a new pre-programmed action allowing ICQ, AIM, or Windows Live Messenger messages to be sent automatically under designated conditions. This feature can be used to alert IT staff to technical problems, switching to IM as a backup in the event of a corporate e-mail problem, and more.

  • Twitter automation offers a new pre-built action allowing tweets to be automatically posted to a Twitter account. Applications range from internal updates on network issues for IT staff to external Twitter communications on new products or other subjects for marketing purposes.

  • Remote desktop access allows IT staff to connect to the machine running AutoMate from any Internet-enabled computer. Authorized users can now create new tasks or workflows, edit existing automation routines, and access any other AutoMate functions from the road, another office, or anywhere in the world.

Other enhancements include the addition of universal search to AutoMate BPA Server’s Server Management Console for rapid location of any workflow or task in the automation library; an 80 percent performance improvement for automation routines involving large databases (such as customer lists); and simpler and/or advanced capabilities in developing automation routines.

AutoMate/AutoMate BPA Server 7.1 is available now. AutoMate, designed for single-machine process automation, is priced at $1,495; AutoMate BPA Server, which centralizes development and management of the automation network for multiple machines in any location, is priced at $5,995.

More information is available at

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