NewEra Software’s ICE 8.0 Includes Same Day Support for z/OS V1R11

Enhances control editor, subsystem inspectors, supplemental inspectors

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

NewEra Software has released Image Control Environment 8.0 (ICE 8.0) which includes same day support for IBM Corporation’s z/OS V1R11 as well as support for CICS TS V4.1. ICE 8.0 includes enhancements to The Control Editor (TCE), which now supports tracking of changes such as edits, adds, deletes, and renames to critical datasets. In ICE 8.0, the use of these datasets is also tracked by capturing the SUBMIT command when using a member of these critical datasets, creating not only a notice of use but also a copy of the JCL as it was submitted.

In addition, The Control Editor will allow the user to test the integrity of a JCL member during an edit session by allowing the user to simply enter a single command, SCAN, and receive the analysis of the JCL, in the edit session, as if it had been executed with a TYPRUN=SCAN JCL statement. This will help users save both time and CPU resources to perform these simple yet important validation tests.

ICE 8.0 includes enhancements to its Subsystem Inspectors. A CICS Subsystem Inspector joins ICE’s JES, VTAM and TCP/IP Subsystem Inspectors. The CICS Subsystem Inspector will monitor, detect, and validate changes in the CICS System Initialization File (SIT).

ICE 8.0 includes enhancements to its Supplemental Inspectors. The CSDS Supplemental Inspector will (ISNCSDS) will join the other Supplemental Inspectors (ISNLOAD and ISNMBRS) and will monitor, detect and validate changes to the CICS System Definition File (CSD).

ICE 8.0 also includes a new Image SENTRY Application, the DFHz Explorer which provides a framework for auditors as well as technical users. It addresses the organization, maintenance and auditing of crucial CICS resources, focusing on Load Libraries, the External Security Manager, System Definition Dataset (CSD) Groups and Lists, System Startup JCL and related procedures, and the System Initialization Table (SIT).

For more information, visit or call 1-800-421-5035.

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