
Over Half of IT Departments Don’t Deliver Value According to Axios Survey

IT can’t provide real-time metrics

Axios Systems, an enterprise IT service management (ITSM) solutions vendor, says its global survey shows that over half (57 percent) of IT executives think their “IT systems, processes, and services” don’t deliver the value that their enterprise expects.

Axios says that 64 percent of respondents couldn’t provide their business and IT executives with “real-time quantifiable metrics demonstrating the value of IT services and assets,” in spite of large IT investments. “It appears organizations still lack the systems, processes, and best practice approaches (e.g., ITIL) for IT management that would help overcome these challenges.” Perceptions may be to blame; over a third (39 percent) of IT professionals said that “business decision makers still do not understand the value IT brings to the business.”

What’s driving IT projects for the next 12 months? The survey says 63 percent of respondents believe it’s cost reduction; next on the list: change management and compliance. These last two drivers are “being echoed in the specific technologies under consideration for the next 12 months,” the company says. “The major projects cited by respondents included configuration management database (CMDB) (22 percent), change management (19 percent), and service catalog (18 percent) deployments. In addition, 16 percent of respondents are planning service desk upgrades or replacements. When these projects are implemented at the same time, it emphasizes IT’s focus on trying to understand the value of its IT assets, as well as finding ways to reduce costs and support business transformation initiatives.”

In a prepared statement, Ailsa Symeonides, sales and marketing director at Axios Systems, notes that, “As organizations look to reduce costs and conduct major business change management programs, the role of IT and its business value becomes increasingly important. Our study highlights that a gap still remains in IT’s ability to deliver and demonstrate the value it provides the business. In today’s changing and uncertain world, this is no longer acceptable and it is our belief that adopting a service value management (SVM) approach will enable organizations to meet this challenge head on.”

The survey, taken during June and July, polled more than 1500 IT professionals from North America, Asia, and Europe.

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