Calpont Launches Open Source Analytics Database Offering

Uses column-oriented technology to deliver performance

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Calpont Corporation has released its open source database software, InfiniDB Community Edition. Enabled via MySQL and built for an analytic workload with column-oriented technology at its core, InfiniDB Community Edition delivers a full-featured, scale-up solution that enables data warehousing, business intelligence, and read-intensive database deployments.

The Calpont offering is also bolstered with the strength of a newly signed multi-year MySQL OEM licensing agreement with Sun Microsystems.

“Clearly identified as a top-five use case for MySQL implementations, the open source analytical capabilities of MySQL-based solutions have now been substantially enabled with the functionality available in InfiniDB Community Edition,” said Calpont’s CEO, Jeff Vogel. “Making InfiniDB available to the open source community is our commitment to the community to ensure that today’s open source user has what they need to address the growing data volumes that so many enterprises and businesses are experiencing, and now with the strength of our new solution, we can confidently address a large and expanding community.”

About InfiniDB Community Edition

InfiniDB Community Edition’s robust feature set makes the solution useful for open source MySQL analytical database users. Combining column-oriented architecture with a completely multi-threaded implementation that enables contemporary hardware, InfiniDB Community Edition has no limits in terms of users or data volumes and easily enables high-performance, multi-terabyte database deployments.

InfiniDB Community Edition also aims to ease the adoption of analytics database technology by ensuring out-of-the-box performance via its touchless, automatic partitioning schemes and metadata management system, the InfiniDB Extent Map.

Rounding out a feature set that until now had not been available to MySQL analytics database users, InfiniDB Community Edition adds ACID-compliant transactional support, crash recovery, non-blocking MVCC support, and alter-table capabilities to truly enable open source analytics.

You can find more information and download the analytic database software at

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