Compuware Changepoint Enhancements Simplify IT Portfolio Management

Changepoint accelerates user adoption with intuitive project management capabilities; reduces cost and time-to-integrate enterprise data

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Compuware Corporation has simplified the IT project and portfolio management (ITPM) process by delivering multiple enhancements accelerating user adoption. These enhancements extend usability in the critical area of project management and minimize the time and cost associated with integrating data into the Changepoint application.

The latest enhancements -- which directly address ITPM usability, implementation, and user adoption -- fall into two distinct categories:

  • Project Management: If project managers cannot work with an intuitive solution to complete everyday tasks, user adoption rates will suffer. Changepoint’s new project worksheet provides a single, intuitive, grid-style interface offering project managers the ability to easily and quickly plan and manage projects in real-time. With this enhancement, Changepoint becomes a distributed project management solution that enables multiple project users to access and edit worksheets simultaneously.

  • New ESB Integration Framework: An ITPM solution must deliver the right data to the right systems at the right time. The new integration framework ensures that Changepoint can easily plug into an organization’s existing enterprise service bus (ESB) architecture. Data from key business applications, such as financial and HR, can now be integrated in less time and with less cost and risk.

Compuware Changepoint is a business-centric IT management solution that enables IT executives to take a comprehensive approach to managing supply and demand -- unlocking the potential of an IT organization to effectively meet the needs of the business. Using Changepoint, CIOs can deliver maximum business value through enhanced IT performance, improved collaboration between IT and business leadership, closer alignment of resources and activities with the business strategy, increased responsiveness to changing business needs and more effective life cycle management of the entire IT portfolio.

More information is available at

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