CloudPort Helps Ease Enterprise Cloud Migrations

Provides visibility into evaluating cloud providers, creating migration strategies, mitigating risk

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Crosscheck Networks, Inc. has unveiled CloudPort, a new product that can simulate services in the cloud prior to implementation. Capitalizing on actual metrics of cloud providers and enterprise data centers, organizations using CloudPort can align their infrastructures with business requirements, mitigate risk, and ensure smooth enterprise-to-cloud integration.

In the absence of quantifiable data, enterprises are challenged to make well-informed choices when it comes to migrating to the cloud. Instead, they often find themselves forced to make these strategic decisions based on ad-hoc or partial information. This is a risky and unproductive approach, especially when a typical migration process requires moving numerous service components -- including database and application servers, Web services, and identity stores -- to the cloud. Once a full reference system is deployed, the behavior of the enterprise applications interacting with the cloud-based components must be tested -- using customized production code. This is an expensive, time-consuming, and potentially error-prone technique.

With CloudPort, enterprises never have to touch production code, eliminating the substantial time, capital, and IT staff resource expenses needed to build a distinct cloud test environment.

Crosscheck Networks enables enterprises to make more informed decisions when selecting a provider for, and prioritizing which applications to migrate to, cloud computing. CloudPort supplies IT organizations with information about cloud providers including: performance metrics, geographic latency, and service initiation "spin-up" times; failures, outages, and application error states; and security, capacity, and interoperability. CloudPort's "single pane of glass," centralized console offers modeling scenarios across cloud providers and data centers to rapidly validate trading-partner integration; analyze provider performance characteristics for precise service-level agreement measurement/management; and ensure effective cloud migration -- without impacting production systems.

Mamoon Yunus, CEO of Crosscheck Networks, points out that organizations “lack real-world data about how their data centers would perform once they're integrated with the cloud. As a result, enterprises struggle with confidently determining if and what to move, and once decided, prioritizing when to move it.

"CloudPort addresses these needs by allowing for granular ‘what-if' scenario planning that proactively establishes business risk, ultimately facilitating reliable, secure migrations and reducing costs," Yunus noted. "It enables post-migration monitoring so organizations can ensure that everything continues to run the way it was envisioned -- or quickly flag and correct should an issue arise."

For maximum deployment flexibility, Crosscheck Networks offers a pay-as-you-go subscription model, starting at $4999.

Additionally, CloudPort ensures seamless integration by providing quantifiable metrics on corporate-wide Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) interfaces regarding adherence to corporate rules such as service naming conventions, data types, data structures, and protocol bindings., It also allows organizations to govern policies within their own enterprise as well as with their trading partners to guarantee message integrity before going into production.

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