NetEx Offers Free HyperIP WAN Optimization Software

Available through VMware Virtual Appliance Marketplace

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NetEx, a software-only WAN Optimization solution provider, and VMware Inc. have released a free annual subscription for the HyperIP virtual appliance software through the VMware Virtual Appliance Marketplace (VAM).

Qualified VAM users of replication and backup applications are eligible for a maximum of two free annual subscriptions of the 2Mb/s HyperIP (VM edition), a virtual appliance that improves the performance of moving large amounts of data across a WAN. Downloads of the HyperIP virtual appliance are available from the VMware VAM website and require a VAM login. The free download program is offered until the end of 2011.

HyperIP is a WAN optimization virtual appliance that operates on VMware virtual infrastructure. The software technology for VMware Infrastructure applications including VMotion, SRM, data replication, and backup applications, migrates network issues that degrade overall application throughput and performance over the WAN.

“Organizations looking to boost the performance of their VMware infrastructure will find that HyperIP is an ideal way to overcome the challenges of network conditions, such as packet loss, latency and jitter, that are inherently found in virtualization and cloud computing environments,” said Robert MacIntyre, NetEx vice president of business development and marketing.

NetEx’s HyperIP is a software-only, virtualization-ready WAN optimization solution, ideal for moving large data sets across WANs securely, swiftly, and seamlessly. It uses technology that accelerates and optimizes data replication and file transfer applications by aggregating multiple data replication applications over a shared connection while mitigating the inherent network latency and network disruption for long-distance remote TCP data transmissions.

The full version of HyperIP supports long-distance data transfers at up to 800 Mb/s. Transfer speed is optimized for the full range of data management applications, including backup and remote replication and business continuance/disaster recovery (BC/DR). NetEx offers HyperIP for cloud infrastructures as a software-only configuration, enabling customers to quickly deploy the acceleration software into their existing VMware infrastructures.

More information is available at

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