Forum Systems Delivers Unified Content Firewall

Forum Sentry WAF accommodates PCI compliance, delivers federated identity, security, scalability, and performance.

Forum Systems has released an update to its flagship XML Gateway fueling faster, more powerful, and seamless Web experiences for users.

Forum Sentry WAF natively unites in one appliance the threat protection, scalability, and federated identity capabilities of an XML Gateway with the security of a Web application firewall (WAF). By removing the identity and security burden from Web sites and composite applications, this unified content firewall securely authenticates and authorizes users invoking services regardless of where the services reside. Unlike legacy WAFs, Forum Sentry WAF enforces decisions across complex identity tokens and repositories and throughout the entire transaction, rapidly delivering rich online content to users without requiring multiple sign-ins.

Global enterprises continue to develop intelligent, sophisticated Web applications in to support, secure, and scale this ever-increasing rise in hybrid traffic.

Forum Sentry WAF benefits include:

  • Seamless, detailed authentication and authorization: Complex SAML-based token types can be consumed and produced rapidly and securely with leading identity management offerings for enhanced federated identity decisions.

  • Security, control, and visibility: RegEx and other common filter policies, such as those to protect against SQL injections, are authored, shared, and maintained across the entire infrastructure to close vulnerability gaps and eliminate the need for policy duplication across separate products. PKI management, SSL termination, and initiation of HTML and XML traffic are centrally managed and maintained.

  • Centralized management and monitoring: A repository for all message types fuels better capacity planning decisions.

  • “Single Pane of Glass” view: Consolidation of logs and traffic in one UI serves as the foundation for more efficient and effective root-cause analysis, auditing and compliance reporting.

  • Reduction in “box fatigue”: IT has less equipment to maintain and manage within the infrastructure.

More information is available at

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