Nimble Brings Social Relationship Management and Collaboration to an Entire Company

Launches company-wide social relationship manager.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Nimble has launched the team version of its CRM platform, laying the foundation for its social business vision. The new functionality enables entire groups, departments, and companies to listen and engage with their social community, to collaborate and work more effectively together, and to jointly grow their business.

Nimble links contacts, calendars, and communication to social listening and engagement. Nimble enables all Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Gmail, Outlook contacts, calendars, and social conversations to be unified into one simple Web application. Now individuals and companies don’t have to manage relationships in six different browser tabs and three desktop apps.

Nimble's new capabilities allow groups, departments, and entire companies to practice social business. It adds collaboration to Nimble’s Social Relationship power, which enables every team member to build and nurture trusting relationships. Users can easily check any contact and see what is pending, who is going to handle the task, what has been done, who has done it, and what conversations have occurred. From there, they can schedule, delegate, and comment on activities, enabling a whole company to work more effectively together.

Nimble’s newly launched team functionality forms the foundation of Nimble’s larger social business vision: that everyone in the company should be able to listen and engage, communicate, and collaborate, and have all conversations tie back to their contacts, their community, and their customers.

Nimble will roll out sales, marketing, and customer service capabilities in the next few months to complete its social business offering. The entire platform will be extensible via an open API and those extensions will be available via the Nimble Marketplace.

Further information and a free, single user version of Nimble are available now at Users of Nimble can invite their colleagues to try Nimble’s collaborative features for free directly from within the Nimble platform.

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