SafeNet Integrates Secure Personal Mobile Device Access on Single Authentication Platform

New authentication solution allows organizations to authorize, control corporate network access for personal iOS devices.

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SafeNet, Inc. has announced the immediate availability of its new mobile device credentialing solution that enables the secure use of consumer mobile devices, including the popular iPhone and iPad, on corporate networks. Part of SafeNet's Authentication Environment, SafeNet's Authentication Manager (SAM) now allows organizations to implement an authentication strategy for multiple types of end point devices, including personal mobile devices. By integrating mobile device credential management into a unified authentication scheme, organizations can ensure that only authorized personal mobile devices have access to corporate networks and resources.

The consumerization of IT -- personal computing devices accessing corporate networks -- has become one of the top concerns for IT departments in 2011. There are security and manageability issues when users access corporate networks with smartphones, tablets, and personal computers. A lack of automated and consistent credentialing and control of personal mobile devices can expose networks to data breaches and unauthorized access. As more consumer devices gain access to sensitive corporate and customer data, IT departments are struggling to balance user productivity demands with the enforcement of adequate security policies.

SafeNet now enables organizations to secure and manage the access of consumer mobile devices on the corporate network, in the same way they manage their corporate-owned resources. Further, with SAM, organizations can centrally manage all authentication requirements for local networks, VPNs, SaaS applications, and virtualized environments.

For more information, visit\authentication.

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