Firms Team Up for AI-Enabled ERP Marketplace
DreamFactory and TECHeGO today announced they've teamed up to launch a new cloud-based, AI-enabled marketplace for enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions.
DreamFactory provides an API automation platform, which workflow consultancy TECHeGO used to create Hoist, an ERP platform and accompanying marketplace. The companies said their initiative will reinvent the process of using and buying ERP solutions by empowering organizations to construct their own. Both the DreamFactory platform and Hoist are open source projects.
"Hoist is an ERP platform in the cloud that allows users to securely manage the services that will best increase their business efficiency, combining business extensions and user access with drag-and-drop ease and only paying for what they choose to use," the companies said in an announcement today. "The Hoist experience relies on DreamFactory's automatically generated APIs to integrate disparate systems and data sources, and eliminate siloes."
The artificial intelligence (AI) capability comes from TECHeGO's AVA agent, which can help Hoist evolve.
"AVA enables Hoist to learn more every day with each new user, extension and connection, working with DreamFactory to automatically establish new connections, handles fixes and upgrades, and update and generate new APIs system-wide as required," the companies said.
As both DreamFactory and Hoist are open source, the companies said any business extensions, scripts or tools created with Hoist can share them with the community, which can help improve the solutions, and list them on the marketplace for use by others.
About the Author
David Ramel is an editor and writer for Converge360.