A quick rebuttal to a competitor's press release piques interest in vendor claims.
Chip densities are doubling every 24 months, but a new report says few applications can take advantage of the change.
Security vendors are stepping up their efforts to close the gap between security and operations
Employee sabotage alleged
IT still stuck reacting to problems received by help desks
Officials forecast business almost as usual in 2009
Data quality can put your organization on the defense or offense depending on how well you manage it.
Why did Microsoft shuffle PerformancePoint Server into its SharePoint Server group, and how will the shake-up affect customers?
BI tools are only as good as the quality of the data they work with. Analyst Michael Schiff is still surprised at how many BI professionals still ignore this fact.
Storage buyers have been conditioned to look for ever-greater "value." We explain why this behavior is so risky.
What technologies and best practices can make a data center greener?
Claudia Imhoff and Colin White preview their keynote presentation at TDWI's World Conference in Las Vegas.
A preview from keynote presenter David Hsiao that focuses on metrics, including selecting the right key performance indicators.
Data protection challenges grow as data volumes grow. We examine the best practices IT can follow to maximize data protection.
What enterprises and IT must do to enhance their risk-management program.
Data governance implementation should be the top priority for enterprises undertaking three initiatives.
Some industry analysts expect the economic downturn to result in a net gain for outsourcers.
Many say that newer, tougher compliance is inevitable. What's at issue is just how demanding it will be.
IBM announces strong fourth-quarter results
Conficker worm still troubling