What qualities help separate best-of-breed data visualization offerings from their general purpose competitors?
One of the big puzzles of storage security is how best, architecturally speaking, to deploy the technology. BitArmor answers our questions.
Why database-auditing software is critical to protecting your company’s assets
With SEC matters behind it and new management at the helm, CA seems leaner, unencumbered, and ready to compete full-force.
Effective implementation of server and domain isolation requires complete network visibility throughout the OS migration process
Though the mainframe may be cheaper to power and cool, it’s software is significantly more expensive
Business Objects—the industry’s Accidental Data Integration vendor—continues to flex its muscles.
You don’t need a roadmap to find the IT-Business Gulf. Just walk down the hall or pick up the phone; someone in an office near you can elaborate.
A smaller footprint may reduce security risks in Windows Server 2008
What’s driving SOA’s adoption and how is developing for the technology different from traditional development?
IT management will face challenges unless it lays the groundwork for the growing ubiquity of encryption
The updated ITIL framework reinforces the importance of a service lifecycle and emphasizes a business-driven, top-down approach and IT/business integration.
Gartner thinks Microsoft isn’t so much attempting to stifle open-source innovation—although that’s one possible upside—as it is to generate more cash flow
Companies are on a collision course in the enterprise data warehouse space
Storage security needs a more systemic view to succeed.
At bottom, real-time is a data integration problem: it involves getting fresh data to business users as rapidly as possible.
The bottom line: companies need to figure out a "right time" window that’s right for them.
New feature lets coders use static SQL for scenarios in which they might otherwise depend on dynamic SQL
IBM claims that its new System p p570 offers three times the performance of a comparable Superdome system from HP
Our storage analyst, Jon Toigo, begins a series on data security issues and solutions.