Oracle last week helped put to rest a few of the many questions raised by its $3.3 billion bid for Hyperion.
Symantec Corp.’s Advanced Threat Research team reports that Windows Vista does deliver tangible security improvements—but Vista is still far from invulnerable.
SRM is probably the most important investment that storage managers can make, but it’s riddled with problems.
We sort out the complex range of data center challenges, from compliance issues to new technologies to securing remote users and suggest ways to make the DC manager’s life easier.
In practice, for some mainframe customers, Big Blue’s MSU technology dividend really does translate into significant cost savings.
IT is still largely unprotected from one area of enterprise risk: the insider threat.
Why not outsource your BI infrastructure lock, stock, and smoking-data-warehouse-appliance?
Microsoft expects to fold Forecaster into the same Office Business Applications group that develops Performance Point Server.
Oracle’s announced intention to acquire Hyperion Solutions leaves many users, analysts, competitors and partners wondering: what’s next?
There’s a lot of overlap between Oracle and Hyperion, but there’s at least one segment where there isn’t much overlap -- BPM.
The need to build resilient low-cost infrastructure for hosting e-mail archives is growing fast.
Two strategies and a dozen tips help you improve your user’s NAC
IBM Corp. is server market king—thanks to the strong performance of Big Blue’s System x, System p, and System z platforms
Microsoft doesn’t put enough edge into its security products, yet.
zNextGen professionals say they’re drawn to Big Iron for the same reason as many older mainframes: staying power
From every direction, predictive analytics will prevail and pervade.
TDWI Keynote speakers Jonathan Wu and Jon Koomey focused on the ways in which human behaviors can drive, or impede, BI decision-making.
SAP AG week moved to close the loop on business performance management with its acquisition of strategy management specialist Pilot Software.
The human side of BI poked its head over the data last week at TDWI’s World Conference in Las Vegas.
DATAllegro last week unveiled an off-the-shelf data warehouse appliance based on hardware from partners Cisco, Dell, and EMC.