This three-step approach will help you establish or reenergize your DI development projects.
There are many traps to rolling out an enterprise-wide BI project. We show you how to avoid those problems.
How are BI maturity assessments implemented and how can their value be marginalized? We explore the impact and scope of such assessments and what to expect from the process.
What new technologies are affecting BI professionals, and how can we be prepared for these changes and the innovations they bring?
Patents may be from AOL's Netscape unit.
Cloud computing isn't just "with us" -- it's here to stay, and IT spending on cloud services is expected to explode.
Organizations will have to accept that their gates will be breached and begin preparing their second line of defense -- data platforms -- to mitigate the damage caused by attacks that get through.
Survey finds unit testing is most effective in killing software bugs; Java's decline puts C on top as favorite programming language.
First it was just "the cloud." Then came public clouds versus private clouds, and, of course, hybrid clouds. How is IT coping, and how do clouds fit in with other trends, such as the distributed data center?
A new intelligent cloud network between data center and cloud is needed for efficient workload mobility.
Which key BI trends matter most? Cindi Howson explains the top seven innovations she and co-presenter Dave Stodder will discuss at the Cool BI Forum in Chicago in May.
How do organizations effectively handle the inevitable challenges in human dynamics to ensure project success?
Host Analytics says its cloud pedigree gives it advantages relative to its on-premises competitors in corporate performance management.
Predixion's goal was to develop a solution that makes data mining and predictive analytics consumable and usable by rank-and-file workers. Has it succeeded?
If IT professionals are a restaurant's chefs, then business development professionals are the rest of the staff -- those attracting guests, designing the menus, and managing the profits.
Report focuses on widely used but lesser-known Internet threat.
Users identify energy-efficient IT solutions that are easiest to implement, offer greatest cost savings.
IPsec is a secure, robust, and transparent network widely available to businesses with smaller overhead than you might think.
SQL Server 2012 now available for purchase.
Is Big Data everything it’s cracked up to be or is the Big Data value proposition based on fears of an undiscovered insight in our data? Our storage analyst, Jon Toigo, looks at why Big Data isn’t for everyone.
Testing orgs favor cloud, outsourcing; $200 million for Big Data R&D; creating a DDoS playbook
Cisco calls Unified Compute System 3.0 "third generation of fabric computing."
Thanks to a combination of social, mobility, cloud, Big Data, and other forces, business intelligence and data warehousing are on the cusp of profound transformations. The question is: which way are these technologies headed?
Huge data sets can reveal hidden patterns, analyst explains.
Business service jobs, including IT jobs, are moving to “low-cost geographies” for the next decade, then movement will stop.