Host Access Vendors Make Y2K Promises

With so much still to do with their core systems to prepare and test for Y2K bugs, the last thing AS/400 managers want to worry about are the PCs connected to these systems. But worry they must, say industry experts.

Host access requires some scrutiny, particularly file transfer and terminal emulation. In terminal emulation software, the data transfers, custom scripts and APIs are often date-sensitive and, therefore, especially vulnerable, says Johanna Jensen, director of product marketing for Attachmate Corp. (Bellevue, Wash.).

Attachmate has a suite of Y2K tools and services to help users address these specific issues. In addition, Attachmate has announced a program called "Y2K Weekend Support," in which it will keep its product support centers open for extended hours through the Y2K New Year's weekend.

Some host connectivity vendors, such as WRQ Inc. (Seattle, Wash.) and Ericom Software Ltd. (Jerusalem, Israel), have gone so far as to publicly issue limited guarantees on the Y2K-readiness of current lines of host access software. WRQ issued a guarantee that if any Y2K bug-related problem traced to a qualified Reflection or Express product is not corrected within two business days, the company will send a technician on-site to fix the problem or refund the purchase price. In addition, WRQ announced it will offer an upgrade discount to companies using a competitive product, or a non-current Reflection or Express product.

Not to be outdone, Ericom issued its own Y2K guarantee for its PowerTerm host access product. The guarantee states that if any Y2K bug-related problem is traced to an original PowerTerm product (version 5.4 and above of PowerTerm InterConnect, PowerTerm and PowerTerm Plus), and is not corrected within five business days, Ericom will send a technician on-site to fix the problem or refund the purchase price.

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