Companies Improve Productivity and Efficiency by Aligning IT to Business

According to a new study by Cutter Consortium, 47% of companies surveyed report increased efficiency and productivity after aligning their IT systems projects to their formal business models and processes. When asked what benefits their company derived from aligning IT systems projects to formal business models and processes, the top five responses were:

*Unifying direction of the company: 42%

*Better leveraging of IT: 35%

*Improved communication: 35%

*More efficient allocation of resources: 30%

*Competitive advantage: 28%

Sheila Green is a senior analyst for Cutter Consortium. Says Green, "The study results fall in line with what we’ve been hearing from companies all along — that companies are achieving far-reaching goals when they align IT with their business."

The Consortium study also showed that, on average, these companies have increased productivity 17%.

Green continues, "Who drives the decision to align IT with business? In 36% of these situations, it was the CIO who was the primary motivator for aligning the company’s IT systems to its formal business models and processes. But CEOs were a close second at 34%. Who was rarely the motivator for this decision? The CFO at 4%."

For more information, visit the Cutter Web site at

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