Mirror Image Internet Expand Content Delivery Network
Mirror Image Internet, a subsidiary of Xcelera.com, has expanded its network, designed to speed up the delivery of Internet content worldwide. Called Content Access Point (CAP), the network is built on a number of CAP centers, each of which can deliver a customer's Internet traffic up to ten times faster than traditional network flow, according to Mirror Image.
The company has installed new CAP centers in Los Angeles, San Jose, Calif., Boston, Amsterdam and Stockholm. CAPs were already deployed in London, Frankfurt, St. Louis, Mo., and Washington, D.C. The deployment of the new CAPs marks the completion of the first phase of a 6-continent 35-region CAP expansion planned for the next nine months.
The CAP concept is based on the idea that content distribution, content management and Web transactions are best handled from a central network position fairly close to users, where the networks of a geographical region converge—in other words, at key Internet exchange points. At these exchange points, the huge CAPs store content and aggregate traffic across networks to deliver up to 75 percent of all Internet traffic for CAP customers—ISPs, content providers and enterprises—directly into the networks of that region.
The Mirror Image solution includes Mirror Imagine CAP software; HP 9000 Enterprise Servers, software, and storage systems; and Oracle 8i databases. Each CAP also features equipment and software from Sun and Cisco.
HP is a big backer of Mirror Image. It has added $50 million to the $32 million it had already invested in the content distributor. Another backer, Exodus, just bought 15 percent of Mirror Image's equity for $637.5 million. Mirror Image's partnerships with HP and Exodus will help it build its network quickly and sell more services. HP will act as a systems integrator, integrating Cisco, HP, Oracle and Sun hardware in CAP centers. Exodus will resell Mirror Image content distribution and streaming services to Exodus customers.