New Study Puts Spotlight on Exposure Risks for e-Businesses

Nearly 75 percent of eBusinesses with $200 million in online revenues have suffered a Web site failure in the past six months putting customer satisfaction and online business at risk, says a study conducted by IDC.

The study, performed by IDC analysts in the software management and content management market space and commissioned by Vertical Sky, goes on to cite that 63.5 percent of the IT professionals surveyed were very concerned about the company's image and reputation that would result from an outage. Nearly one-half (49.0 percent) expressed concern about lost revenue and many believed that more than four outages within a six-month period could cause the responsible IT person to lose their job.

IDC's survey identified software bugs and upgrades as significant causes for Web site outages. "Few upgrades or changes to the code are going to be 100 percent correct the first time that they are deployed," says IDC analyst

Rikki Kirzner. "Therefore, we believe that software management features must be an integral part of full-function Web content management tools."

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