Confio Releases Ignite for DB2

New product identifies performance problems within DB2 applications and databses

Confio Software announced the release of Confio Ignite for DB2 today during the Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations and Management Summit. The new release extends Confio's line of Ignite products to cover multiple IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle databases.

Confio Ignite for DB2 has been designed give database administrators a view into what causes performance problems in their DB2 applications and databases, the company said in a press release.

Using "agent-less architecture," Ignite for DB2 can pinpoint the precise database process or command that is causing performance delays -- without causing any delays in turn, Confio said.

The product also has incorporated monitoring for DB2 version 9 for Windows, Linux, and Unix environments, the company said.

"Ignite for DB2 complements our suite of products that identify end user delays at the database layer to provide a diagnostic tool for DBAs to optimize their databases and applications," said Confio Chief Operation Officer Don Bergal in a statement. "Confio's ability to deliver Confio Ignite for DB2 response to our customers' changing and complex operating environment."

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