New Permessa Software Automatically Recommends, Enforces E-mail Policies

Permessa Email Control! v5 analyzes e-mail patterns, makes suggestions about lowering e-mail costs

Permessa Email Control! v5 software has been released by Permessa Corporation (formerly DYS Analytics). Driven by increasing e-mail volume and compliance concerns (among other issues), the new software uses an automated recommendation engine to cut corporate e-mail costs, reduce compliance risk, and improve service levels, according to the company.

Permessa says its analysis revealed that 4 percent of a company’s users create more than 85 percent of e-mail volume; this group sends “colleague spam” with large attachments or reply to all receipients. A small group of users violate policies and regulations that puts a company at risk for compliance and legal violations.

Permessa Email Control! v5’s recommendations are based on best practices the company developed over 15 years; IT departments can adjust them and run “what-if” scenarios that identify those who would be impacted by a policy change. Enforcement can range from a mild warning on a policy-by-policy basis.

Permessa says Email Control! v5 is the first in a series of its Permessa Control! solutions for unified management of collaboration technologies, including IM, work spaces, and e-mail; the company plans to support Web 2.0 applications, including of social networking and wikis. "Companies are increasingly concerned that the growth in messaging volume hurts productivity, adds unnecessary costs, and creates legal risks. Yet, they want to make sure that e-mail flows smoothly so business proceeds without interruption," said Michael Osterman, principal of Osterman Research, an industry analyst firm focused on messaging and unified communications, in a statement from Permessa.

Other new features in the program include:

  • Actionable, prioritized policy recommendations are based on an analysis of system-wide e-mail behavior and a baseline for companies of various sizes and industry sectors; they are amended based on the effectiveness of enforceable policies

  • What-If scenarios lists those affected if a policy had been in effect and identifies how much of each person’s work would be affected

  • Automatic policy enforcement can block or quarantine messages that violate policies; notices can be sent to the affected users

  • “Passive mode” deployment tests policies and allows for a phase-in period before policies are fully implemented %%A Real-time dashboard graphically displays system status and policy impacts

Permessa Email Control! 5.0 will be available next month for IBM Lotus Notes and Domino platforms; support for Microsoft Exchange availability will follow this year. More information is available at

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