
TDWI Audio Report: Modeling for the Business User

"What if we were to add a new product? What if we added 10 new salespeople? What if we built a plant in China?" Those sorts of complex business questions about the future call for business modeling.

"What if we were to add a new product? What if we added 10 new salespeople? What if we built a plant in China?" Those sorts of complex business questions about the future call for business modeling.

Business professionals often turn to spreadsheets for business modeling. But high-end business users aren't well-served by spreadsheets, argues Quantrix CEO Chris Houle. Solving complex three-, four- and even five-dimensional business questions involving issues such as products, geographies, divisions, and time requires is better handled with true business modeling software, Houle says. In this interview, he explains how real-time modeling software can help users quickly rise above the trees for a clear view of the forest.

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