Free QlikView for iPhone Delivers Interactive BI to iPhone Users

QlikView uses iPhone interface and features, takes advantage of GPS functionality

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QlikTech today released QlikView for iPhone, an interactive mobile BI app built specifically for the iPhone that leverages iPhone’s multi-touch and GPS features to deliver QlikView’s interactive capabilities and sophisticated real-time business information to Apple’s mobile device. It can be downloaded for free at

Mobile professionals need access to comprehensive, real-time information, not static reports that lack detail from competitive offerings. With QlikView for iPhone, salespeople can drill down into accounts and get granular, up-to-the minute answers and analysis. From specific customer or product data to a transaction date range to a single employee name, QlikView for iPhone puts BI information at users’ fingertips.

QlikView for iPhone takes full advantage of the iPhone’s native interface. The entire application is multi-touch driven with complete implementation of the iPhone finger gestures users are accustomed to. Finger swipes and finger pinches enable users to select, interact with, and drill down into data. Users cane shake the device to clear the display. Apple’s popular 3-D Cover Flow feature is also enabled, so users can flip through different analyses screens in the same way they would through album covers in iTunes. Real-time data changes are also instantly reflected in all Cover Flow charts.

In addition, QlikView for iPhone uses GPS to create location-aware reports. QlikView for iPhone can automatically display a specific supplier, branch office, or distributor based on a user’s physical location.

More information is available at

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