FTI Technology Announces Ringtail Analytics E-Discovery Software

Enterprise-class capabilities help legal teams harness e-discovery

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

FTI Technology has launched the enhanced Ringtail Analytics module for the Ringtail e-discovery platform. The updated offering includes the popular clustering and visual review capabilities of Document Mapper as well as two components, Smart Decision and Concept Mapper, designed to assist in early case assessments (ECA, keyword testing, and the creation of review assignments.

Ringtail Analytics is comprised of three complementary components:

  • Smart Decision helps clients rapidly test and sample keywords across millions of documents while providing whole-case reporting and pivot-table capabilities to track project status and review metrics

  • Concept Mapper organizes large-scale document collections by key concepts and concept frequency into a dashboard. Using Concept Mapper, legal teams can build assignments based on specific themes, then route to the Ringtail review workflow which ensures that the most important documents will be reviewed first

  • Document Mapper’s review interface is an integrated component of the Ringtail Analytics module and can be used at any stage of the e-discovery or review process, including for early case assessments, investigations, preparing for depositions, or for quality control of reviewed documents

For more information on Ringtail Analytics or FTI Technology, please visit www.ftitechnology.com.

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