Resco Updates Toolkit for Mobile App Developers

Single toolset contains 40 components

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Resco, creator of developer components and tools for mobile devices, has released Resco MobileForms Toolkit 2011 Volume 3 optimized for development of applications for Windows Mobile, Windows Phone 7, iOS, and Android.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit Edition for Windows Mobile gives the developer:

  • Phone: Access to all device information (Bluetooth, WiFi)
  • Call History: Quick access to phone’s call history database
  • SIM: Access to Subscriber Identity Module’s information and phone book changes
  • GPS: Manages the GPS location coordinates and offers the position tracking
  • Location Services: Implements the interface on the Google and Bing positioning services

Resco MobileForms Toolkit Edition for Windows Phone 7 provides:

  • GPS: Encapsulates the Windows Phone 7 GPS device functionality
  • Location Services: Offers the GPS to/from physical address translation and the services for getting optimal route, directions, and showing the results on a map

The controls and components are interoperable with Microsoft Visual Studio.

The Toolkit comes in five editions based on target platform: Windows Mobile, Windows Phone 7, iOS (iPad and iPhone), Android, and All-in-one. For more information, visit their Web site.

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