rPath IT as a Service Transformation

rPath X6 offers visual “pushbutton” command-and-control center for managing the lifecycle of software stacks and eases configuration across environments.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

rPath has released rPath X6, an IT-as-a-service platform that automates the delivery and management of software systems across physical, virtual, and cloud environments.

With rPath X6, development, QA, and release engineers can construct, deploy, configure, and repair software stacks and multi-tier business services with the click of a button. rPath allows users to visually create a version-controlled blueprint for generating system images and managing changes up and down the stack. Controlling software and configurations in this manner make complex IT tasks intuitive and easy to perform for any IT organization.

Features of rPath X6 include:

  • A “pushbutton” user experience that transforms complex and arcane IT tasks and activities into a highly visual console driven by drag-and-drop gestures and pushbutton commands. rPath X6 includes the ability to graphically model systems as reusable version-controlled “blueprints;” construct images on demand; and easily update and upgrade systems. This visual user interface is reduces the time, cost, and risk from key deployment and maintenance tasks performed by platform and release engineers, developers, and QA engineers, as well as architects and system administrators.

  • Unified software and configuration automation allows software stacks to be personalized and activated through editing of host configuration settings such as network protocol, storage, and IP settings. These configuration settings are managed by rPath X6 as metadata within a version-controlled system blueprint that encompasses the entire version “bill of materials” for a software system. rPath X6 configuration capabilities are fully interoperable with Puppet, Cfengine, and Chef.

System complexity threatens the value of virtualization and cloud computing. Despite up-front capital expense savings, virtualized systems lead to long-term operational expenditures to overcome the complex release, deployment, and change-management processes required to create, provision, configure, and maintain software systems. By enabling high-speed, low-overhead software deployment, configuration, and change, rPath X6 eliminates time-consuming and error-prone image construction and gives IT complete transparency and control over the software and configurations running in their data centers and across cloud and hosting providers.

Additional information is available at www.rpath.com.

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