ScriptLogic’s Privilege Authority Professional Elevates Privileges While Maintaining IT Security

IT administrators can elevate user privileges without giving users local administrator status.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

ScriptLogic Corporation, a systems lifecycle management solutions provider for Microsoft Windows-based networks, has released Privilege Authority Professional, which allows IT administrators to elevate user privileges to perform needed actions without having to establish users as local administrators on their PCs. Privilege Authority Professional works seamlessly with Microsoft Active Directory to centrally manage and automate the elevation of privileges for Windows PCs based on least-privilege best practices.

IT administrators retain complete control over PC administrative rights while providing end users specific and limited privileges so they can change computer settings or other configurations necessary for day-to-day activities. IT administrators can prevent potentially severe security issues and other complications created by users with administrative rights without inhibiting productivity of the administrator or the end user.

“PC administrative rights are required even for simple tasks such as changing the time zone and installing new software or printer drivers. We offer Privilege Authority to make the lives of IT admins easier so they don’t have to address each minor task for every user nor need to give administrative rights to users, which can potentially expose the computer to malware or unintended changes,” said Nick Cavalancia, vice president of Windows Management at ScriptLogic.

Cavalancia says the free version of Privilege Authority remains an option for many enterprises; Privilege Authority Professional adds features such as ScriptLogic’s Validation Logic, a real-time targeting engine that lets admins target rules to specific users and computers, plus the ability to elevate privileges by identifying digital certificates from known providers such as Microsoft and Adobe, as well as enhanced maintenance and technical support.

Privilege Authority Professional comes pre-packaged with common elevation rules for clients to address the most common needs. Some rules that are readily available provide the ability for end users to access system properties, run iTunes and BlackBerry Desktop installers, install an Adobe Flash Player after download, and run Adobe Reader. In addition, custom rules targeted to specific businesses are easily implemented. Admins are encouraged to create and share rules of their own. At the Community Forum, people can exchange rules and get added support from the IT admin community.

Privilege Authority 2.0 is priced on a per-user basis. More information and a free, 30-day evaluation are available at

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