
Server Sales Immune to Economic Sluggishness

Sales of its System z mainframes helped propel IBM to the top of the server market. Unix server sales were also up.

With InfoSphere, Big Blue Touts Mainframe-Ready Integration Features

IBM's InfoSphere data integration platform is brimming with mainframe goodies

Q&A: Virtualization -- From ROI to Optimization

From determining the ROI to ensuring you're getting the most from the technology, an infrastructure architect offers tips for IT professionals.

Virtual Systems of Tomorrow Could Take Cues from Today's Mainframes

The Big, Fast virtual systems of tomorrow might look a lot like today's Biggest, Fastest, and most eminently Virtual system: IBM's System z mainframe.

Five Keys to Successful Change Management Maturity

IT must implement an effective, mature method of change management or experience significant downtime and negative impact on productivity and profits.

Big Iron: The Cost-Cutting Platform

Mainframe shops continue to look to Big Iron for increased operational efficiency and lower costs.

Green IT Goals, Actions Far Apart

Almost all IT shops say that boosting energy efficiency is a clear priority, but comparatively few are actually spending money to do it

Gartner Offers New View of Project Management

Used properly, project management offices can help CIOs make better decisions about how and where to spend their IT dollars

IBM Makes Large Cloud-Computing Investment

Cloud computing isn't just a flash in the pan, advocates argue: it's game-changing.

Taking Stock: Microsoft's Virtual Powerplay

Just how favorably does Microsoft's Hyper-V compare to established products from VMWare, Virtual Iron, and Citrix?

Big Blue Gobbles up Plug-Compatible Mainframe Competitor

Expect PSI's technology to pop up elsewhere -- perhaps in a low-end POWER-based mainframe

Evolution of the LAN: Migrating to an Intelligent Switch

To minimize connectivity costs and ensure your investment addresses future business needs, consider an intelligent switch.

Microsoft Adopts SaaS-y Licensing Models

Microsoft seems serious about SaaS. If so, SaaS -- often seen as a disruptive technology -- might ultimately become a major disruptive market force.

HP Announces a Data-Center-in-a-Box Offering of Its Own

HP's POD is innovative and visionary, analysts say. In a world chock full of both innovation and vision, that's saying something.

Business Smarts Trump Book Smarts in Project Management, Gartner Says

Visionary companies will push project and portfolio management from the top down to develop basic management skills at all levels

Is Cloud Computing the Next Disruptive Technology?

We could be on the cusp of another revolution: a c-business paradigm shift, driven by cloud computing.

Global CEOs Endorse Green IT

Gartner looks at an open letter destined for next year’s G-8 summit

Closing the Loop on SLA Shortcomings

By now, IT and its line-of-business customers should have perfected the art of service level management. The opposite is the case, however.

HP Touts NonStop Perfection

If you're in the market for a non-mainframe mainframe replacement, HP might have just what you need….

Outsourcers Turn to Multisourcing to Reduce Risk

Outsourcing megadeals appear to be on the decline; does this mean that outsourcing itself is on the way out?