Two startups emerged from stealth with strategies to improve the success rate of Big Data projects and completely redesign the way enterprises store and analyze large amounts of different kinds of data, taking advantage of cloud computing capabilities. recently announced Lightning development tools for its Salesforce1 platform with the goal of enabling enterprise staffers with varying technical skills to build mobile apps.
Low-code solution allows effective offline use of data-driven apps.
Enterprise developers and marketers can capitalize on the vast quantities of information the Web giant gathers from its users.
Teradata also announces technology and sales partnership with enterprise Hadoop vendor Cloudera Inc.
HP announced the upcoming HP SDN App Store will provide software-defined networking offerings to ease the enterprise adoption of the nascent technology that increases network programmability.
BlueData Software launched its EPIC Enterprise platform with the goal to "democratize" Big Data by making it more accessible to enterprises of all sizes
Red Hat announced it's now seeking to become the king of the enterprise cloud services vendors.
Business continuity services mitigate disruption risks and provide for disaster recovery.
Business stakeholders, designers and developers can keep track of an app's UX throughout a project lifecycle.
Move will will add enterprise mobility capabilities to Red Hat's JBoss Middleware and OpenShift Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offerings.
Developers and rogue enterprise users can cause problems.
China heads outside threats that could shake up everything far more than upstart technologies like software-defined networking.
Traditional vendor facing upstart challenges is under pressure from analysts and customers to adapt.