
Alerts: Vulnerabilities in IE, Windows Desktops

MiMail.A exploits IE flaw; Autorooter targets windows hole to run its own code

How To Protect Yourself from Fibre Channel Insecurity

Vendor and end-user ignorance perpetuate security holes, security architect warns

Boosting IM Security

Management key to enterprise rollout; financial services advised to retain messages

Identity Management: Untangling Meta and Virtual Directories

We discuss how organizations use virtual directories to interface enterprise applications and identity data with Clayton Donley, CEO of OctetString, a virtual directory provider.

Briefs: RPC/DCOM Vulnerability, Budgets Impact Regulatory Compliance

Microsoft offers patch to a critical Windows problem; survey shows few companies are in regulatory compliance

The Perils of Identity Mismanagement

eProvision Role-Out normalizes, reconciles, and cleans user identities

Integrating Security into Software Development

AppScan Developer Edition provides fully automated application security testing for major development environments

California Privacy Law: Goodbye Good Intentions

New law mandates information theft disclosure no matter what

Teaming Identity Management with Auditing

Novell's Nsure Audit helps you comply with government regulations, organizational policies

Briefs: Brand spoofing on the rise; e-Security update

SurfControl reports brand spoofing is on the rise; e-Security updates Enterprise Security Management software

Wireless LAN Monitoring Reveals Risks and Risky Behavior

An activity-monitoring experiment in a confined, high-usage WLAN environment shows surprisingly few users take security precautions when accessing e-mail.

Briefs: Microsoft Flaw, nCircle Update

Microsoft warns of critical security flaw, nCircle updates IP360 vulnerability management

CA, SteelCloud Enter Crowded Appliance Market

Companies announce launch of antivirus, IDS boxes

Careers: Getting and Keeping an Information Security Job

Tips for starting out, furthering your information security career

Unsolicited E-mail Tops List of Intrusions

Spam edges out viruses; legal threat rises

Briefs: Bytware's Native iSeries Antivirus; Symantec Updates IDS Software

Bytware introduces native IBM iSeries virus detection; Symantec updates three intrusion detection system products

Security Basics: New Data Security Laws Carry Greater Consequences

Go directly to jail, do not pass Go, and don’t even think about collecting your paycheck

Overcoming Wi-Fi Security Fears

iPass improves interface and connectivity for global, virtual network

Combating Identify Theft and Fraud in Real Time

New Unisys software ARMS financial institutions in their fight against fraud

Briefs: Tripwire compliance monitoring; security appliance sales up, prices down

Tripwire introduces its Professional Audit Preparedness Services; what's behind falling appliance prices?