
Securing Business File Transfers

Despite the security weaknesses of FTP, there are several approaches IT can take to use the protocol safely.

Data Breach Kit: Five Steps to Help You Survive the Inevitable

Fact: Information systems are porous. Most companies will, despite their best efforts, allow some level of data exposure during the next year. Are you ready? Learn the tools and processes you need in place now to control data-breach damage, perform digital forensics, and gather the evidence required to recover and reduce risk.

True Identity Management: Watch the Gamblers

To learn about good IT security management practices for your enterprise, take a lesson from a casino.

IT Security: Lessons of a Thirty-Year Career

IT security has changed in the last 30 years; we look back and explore what IT must do now to get a better grip on the environment.

Database Auditing Gets Serious

Why database-auditing software is critical to protecting your company’s assets

Embracing Microsoft Vista for Enhanced Network Security

Effective implementation of server and domain isolation requires complete network visibility throughout the OS migration process

Server Core: Small Footprint, Big Security

A smaller footprint may reduce security risks in Windows Server 2008

Challenges in the Age of Encryption

IT management will face challenges unless it lays the groundwork for the growing ubiquity of encryption

Security Professionals Allege RDP Vulnerability

Security professionals claim it’s possible to bypass service-side security settings using RDP 6.0 clients.

Microsoft Pushes Non-Security Security Update

IT may need to install a memory-leak fix for Windows Installer before other security-related updates can be installed.

OpenSEA Alliance Sets Sights on LAN Security

A new nonprofit industry group works to push IEEE 802.1x as the basis for open source client-side security.

Darknets for Application Service Providers

Despite mature technologies from firewalls to antivirus, and in the face of heightened user expectations and business needs, keeping your enterprise secure is harder than ever. Darknets offer an effective way to increate your security intelligence.

The Fall and Rise of Network Access Control

There’s lots of buzz about NAC, but what is it exactly, and why does IT already need a new approach to the technology?

Private Lessons: Public Sector Notes on Security

Although the spotlight tends to shine on the poor grades federal agencies receive for their information security efforts, notable security successes in government are often overlooked.

Microsoft Moves to the Forefront of Security

Microsoft’s recent flurry of security acquisitions finally results in a product announcement: Microsoft Forefront Client Security.

Blunt Advice for IT Follows TJX Breach

Although many details are unknown, TJX’s breach reminds us once again that a lack of security can cost dearly.

Why Vista Was Vulnerable to Animated Cursors

Despite considerable work on improving security, “old, errant code” exposes flaw in Microsoft Vista.

Seven Best Practices for Managing Physical and IT Security Convergence

How can an enterprise manage the influx of security events in both physical and IT silos that have traditionally operated independently but are now coming together? We offer seven suggestions.

Why PowerTech Group Wants to Update Your AS/400 Security Model

If you have an AS/400 or iSeries, PowerTech Group wants you to update your security model—and a recent study suggests you should pay close attention

Moving Targets: The Risk of Mobile Devices

Mobile data management: a risk vs. reward scenario for business. Mobile data management presents a classic risk vs. reward scenario for business. While mobile devices are all but essential for many aspects of business, the risk of lost or stolen data is significant. Learn how companies are controlling the risk around these proliferating devices by assessing critical areas of mobile data management.