
September 1999


APS Technology: Powering Supply Chain Management

Today's supply chain philosophies are helping to create new supply chain relationships -- but mutual consent is not enough. Optimizing information technology through advanced planning and scheduling will help power the partnership and strengthen product fulfillment.

All Roads Lead to the Middle

IBM evoloves a suite of middleware products designed to help customers add new applications to their legacy systems.

September Humor

September Response Time

September Inside IBM

Web-to-Host Connections: From Bleeding Edge to Reading Edge

E-Commerce: Buying Goes 24x7: The Brave New World of E-Commerce

Countdown to Year 2000: 18 Things to Expect for the Rest of 1999

Desktop Management Problem

The driving force behind implementing centralized management systems is their cost-effective management of networked systems. For most IT organizations, centralized management systems are the only way of approaching the same level of reliabilty, availability and control that has been available with mainframe environments of the past.

Data Encapsulation Within the Procedural Paradigm

September Industry News

PNC Invests in Its Y2K Solution

Automated Quality During Big Bang SAP Implementation

Siemens Information and Communications Networks leaves their legacy light years behind by choosing to bring their new SAP operating system online in a big-bang, enterprisewide implementation.

Tapping ERP to Extend Value Chain Benefits

The most important aspect of a successful ERP-driven, Web-based collaborative supply/value chain system is a well-planned and highly organized blueprint for getting employees, customers and partners to adopt the new processes.

Comparing OS/390 to Windows NT: Been There, Done That

As NT grows, the subtle and sharp similarities and differences between Windows NT and OS/390 become of alarming importance to those who see Windows NT as a threat to OS/390.

Enterprise Portals: Business Information Goes Self-Service

As the Web grows by leaps and bounds, critical business information is, in many cases, not easily accessible. The enterprise portal offers a Web-like solution to obtaining, maintaining and distributing information.